Saturday, December 9, 2017

Religious Fraud:

Religious Fraud:

"If you are not proud of your work what motivates you to do better next time? Pride is the best motivator there is."

What are Christ based religions? They are really alcohol marketing. And that makes them the religion of the antichrist. For alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere.

Tell them that the wine is really your blood? What kind of mumbo jumbo is that? That is the earliest incarnation of alcohol marketing or "spin" that there is.

If Christ knew that Alcohol caused mental retardation he would have never said that. In fact I don't believe that he did say that. At least not in the manner to mean what it means as it is taught by the church.

But in the Bible the term Sheep is a metaphor for people that you take care of. People that can't take care of themselves. People born under the influence of alcohol, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome mental retardation.

What type of kiosks did Christ violently destroy and run out of the temple if not wine kiosks?

Didn't Christ really add water to wine at the wedding?

Wasn't he trying to prevent his nation from being heathenized by the Romans?

Doesn't the Bible tell us that the vineyard owner is clueless?

It doesn't add up does it. Does a man who wants to prevent his country from being heathenized use that terminology in jest or truthfully, ~"This is the body of Christ, This wine is the blood of Christ, Unless you drink of it you are not one with me?" No! A man who is fighting for his life to prevent his country from being heathenized uses that terminology in pure sarcasm and satire.

You just don't get it do you!

It is an easy business isn't it. Once heathenized the only thing that makes them happy is alcohol. And it is very easy to add customers because alcohol is highly addictive. And how do you market that belief system? You tell everyone to blame all their problems on someone else that is dead. And once they start thinking that way they them are blamers and transition to blame everyone else, but specifically those who can think for themselves.

This is a blight of the United States! The leading cause of genetic disorders? And people wonder why some of us are cursed with disabling voices in our heads. It isn't that hard to put two and two together is it? And then along comes Psychiatry to validate that the normal who are victimized by those who were born heathenized have something inherently wrong with them when they don't. So Christianity is bad to the bone but isn't it really a branch off of the Jewish Religion? And what did they do? In Genocide they killed people capable of prophetic thinking, they murdered the prophets. And Jesus Christ was indeed one of them and that is the real reason for the success of Christianity? It is meant to be a juxtaposition to heathenization (but it isn't!)

© 2017 Thomas Murphy


  1. وهناك عدة طرق تساعدك على التنظيف بطريقه مبسطه منها:
    تغيير فرش السرائر والأثاث
    رش السوائل المنظفة و ترتيب الغرف وضع كل شئ بمكانه
    تلميع المرايا والزجاج بالسائل المخصص له
    تلميع الأسطح وازالة الغبار بمنشفه
    المطبخ والحمام عدم ترك الاوساخ بهم والتخلص من النفايات اول باول
    افضل شركة تنظيف كنب بالبخار بجدة
    الكنس بالمكنسة الكهربائية لازالة الاتربه
    الأرضيات تلميعها بسائل الارضيات وتجفيفها
    تغيير ملائات السرائروغسل المتسخ وفرش النظيف
    تغيير مناشف الحمامات اولا باول
    جميع الملابس المتسخه ووضعها بالمكان المخصص لها

    أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة
    أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة
    شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض
    شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض
    حل ارتفاع فاتورة المياه بالرياض
    حل ارتفاع فاتورة المياه بالرياض
    مراحل تنظيف خزانات المياة العلوية
    يتم تطهير الخزانات طبقا لأشتراطات ومواصفات وزارة الصحة وطبقا لتعليمات اللجنة العليا للمياة
    حيث يتم تطهير الخزانات على مرحلتين:-
    المرحلة الأولى غسيل وتنظيف الخزان
    1-تنظيف فتحة وجسم الخزان الخارجى.
    2-تفريغ الخزان من المياة.
    3-تنظيف وغسيل الخزان من الداخل باستخدام ماكينة الفاكيوم والطلمبات الضغط العالى الغاطسة للمساعدة فى تنظيف ارضية وحوائط الخزان مع استخدام الصابون المخصص لذلك.
    المرحلة الثانية تطهير وتعقيم الخزان
    ويتم فيها استخدام مواد التطهير والتعقيم المصرح بها من وزارة الصحة وهى هيبوكلوريت الكالسيوم تركيز 65% وهيبو كلوريت الصوديوم تركيز 15% لضمان نجاح عملية التطهير والتعقيم.
