Friday, August 16, 2019

This is a passage from the Bible that tells how a nation was ruined by alcohol?

Isaiah 28:1
"Woe to that wreath, the pride of Ephraim's drunkards, to the fading flower, his glorious beauty, set on the head of a fertile valley- to that city, the pride of those laid low by wine!"

source of quote: 

Copyright 2019 Thomas Murphy

Woe means great sorrow and distress.

I have stated before that a Pride might have had two different meanings back then?  Describing a people as one describes a pride of lions?  My father lived through the Great Depression.  He told me that there were some people that had money and they acted like they did, I don't know how to articulate any better than that right now.  But one might say held their noses high or something like that.  But what I think that amounts to is a "pride"  The word being used like how it is used to describe a pride of lions?  Vicious, ruthless, blood thirsty, etc.

And indeed the original meaning is consistent with how it describes a pride of lions, "unreasonable conceit of superiority"  and "inordinate self esteem"   How?  Because their strength lies in their group behavior?  One attacks and the others feed from it?  In the above Bible passage the "others" had so much free time from that that they became drunkards?

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